Courses for every budget

Total lessons: 69
Price: $1,700

Learn how to build and launch your profitable e-commerce business from the ground up using my A.D.O.N.I.S method.

You'll get exclusive resources, templates and 1:1 weekly calls with Kyhry to get tailored advice and tips for bringing your e-commerce brand to life — Get the business mentor you always wanted.

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Total lessons: 10
Sale Price: $50
Original Price: $150

Learn the exact methods I used to find manufacturers for Adonis Underwear.

You’ll get tips and strategies for finding reliable, reputable suppliers and negotiating with them so that you get the best deal on price and quantity.

Plus, you'll get access to our exclusive email templates so you get the best deals possible when contacting suppliers.

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Total lessons: 19
Sale Price: $50
Original Price: $150

Learn how to build a meaningful and recognizable brand.

I will show you the exact tools and resources I’ve used (and continue to use) to build, launch and maintain my profitable e-commerce underwear brand.

You’ll also learn how to start quickly building out your own brand by designing your logo, creating your online store and mastering product photography.

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Listen: when it comes to your dream of building a profitable e-commerce business, I know that you’re already knee-deep in it.

You probably already have a great idea for the product you want to sell – and you feel sure that it’s wanted and needed by your target market. You spend your evenings and weekends planning, plotting and thinking about the brand you want to build. One that is innovative, modern, cool. A brand that is globally recognized and a game-changer in your industry.

The only problem?

You don’t know how to move from the “dreaming” stage into the “doing” stage of your e-commerce business endeavor.

And unless you figure it out soon, you’re going to stay stuck right where you are.

Picture this: You’re sitting at your kitchen table, mapping out your plan of action and trying to pinpoint all the steps you think you’ll need to take to get your business off the ground…

...and then the overwhelm hits.

Find suppliers, build the online store, figure out shipping, start building your audience. There are a lot of steps on your list – and you have no clue where to begin.

Slowly, the overwhelm turns into fear.

That voice in your head pipes up again (the voice that sounds suspiciously like that friend who is always “trying to help” by pointing out all the risks with your endeavor) reminding you that you “probably won’t make it” and you “don’t have what it takes”.

And if you’re honest? This is exactly what you’re worried about too.

You put your pen down and sigh.

You feel deflated, depressed and like you’re at the end of the road.

You don't know where to start or how to make it happen.

You don’t know if you have what it takes.

But I do.

Courses for every budget

Total lessons: 69
Price: $1,700

Learn how to build and launch your profitable e-commerce business from the ground up using my A.D.O.N.I.S method.

You'll get exclusive resources, templates and 1:1 weekly calls with Kyhry to get tailored advice and tips for bringing your e-commerce brand to life — Get the business mentor you always wanted.

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Total lessons: 10
Sale Price: $50
Original Price: $150

Learn the exact methods I used to find manufacturers for Adonis Underwear.

You’ll get tips and strategies for finding reliable, reputable suppliers and negotiating with them so that you get the best deal on price and quantity.

Plus, you'll get access to our exclusive email templates so you get the best deals possible when contacting suppliers.

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Total lessons: 19
Sale Price: $50
Original Price: $150

Learn how to build a meaningful and recognizable brand.

I will show you the exact tools and resources I’ve used (and continue to use) to build, launch and maintain my profitable e-commerce underwear brand.

You’ll also learn how to start quickly building out your own brand by designing your logo, creating your online store and mastering product photography.

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“If someone had told me 6 years ago that I’d be where I am now, I would have laughed them out of the room”

When I started Adonis by Kyhry in 2015, I didn’t know anything about starting an e-commerce business.

I built my brand from the ground up. I didn’t have a mentor or a guide who could show me what to do so I had to learn everything on my own through trial and error (and there were some big errors).

There was a lot of hustle and a lot of grind.

I know what it’s like to be in the "just starting out" phase and I remember how difficult and overwhelming that part can be.

I used to think that in order to be successful in business, I needed to take long, expensive business courses at fancy universities (trust me – you don’t).

In reality, you really only need to do 3 things to become a successful e-commerce entrepreneur:

 1. You need to fix your mindset 

If you’re still stuck believing that you’re not smart enough or don’t have the kind of experience or credentials you think you should have in order to start a business – you need to get over that asap. Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires you to start thinking like one now. You have to believe that you have what it takes – and you need to work to keep that faith even when things feel hard.

2. You need to believe in your idea

With your e-commerce brand, you’re not just selling a product. You’re selling a lifestyle. That means that you have to believe in your idea and be willing to do whatever it takes to make others see how great it is. There will be doubters. There will be competition (there always is). But as long as you know why your product is needed by your target customer then that’s all you need. 

3. You need to move out of your comfort zone

Dreaming about creating your own e-commerce brand is exciting – but without taking action, you’ll never make it your reality. The biggest piece of advice I can give you? You don’t need to have all your ducks in a row. Start taking action now. Get out of your comfort zone. Realize that you have to put yourself out there and take risks to see rewards. Remember: “fortune favors the bold.” 

Imagine being able to finally quit your day job and step into your full-time role as CEO of your own thriving e-commerce business

No more working for someone else for the rest of your days, earning a fraction of what you bring in for your boss. No more boring meetings or having to work overtime to make somebody else’s business a success.

Instead, you’re more than financially comfortable and able to give yourself and your family the kind of lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

You get to be in charge of your schedule, your time, your future. You get to go all in on your dreams and see them coming true

In the game of life, you’re not just surviving – you’re thriving.

Proving your doubters wrong. Proving that voice inside your head wrong. Proving that you can do it. 

You can build and launch your own profitable e-commerce business from scratch even if you’ve never done anything like it before.

And the really great news?

I can show you how to do it.

Courses for every budget

Total lessons: 69
Price: $1,700

Learn how to build and launch your profitable e-commerce business from the ground up using my A.D.O.N.I.S method.

You'll get exclusive resources, templates and 1:1 weekly calls with Kyhry to get tailored advice and tips for bringing your e-commerce brand to life — Get the business mentor you always wanted.

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Total lessons: 10
Sale Price: $50

Learn the exact methods I used to find manufacturers for Adonis Underwear.

You’ll get tips and strategies for finding reliable, reputable suppliers and negotiating with them so that you get the best deal on price and quantity.

Plus, you'll get access to our exclusive email templates so you get the best deals possible when contacting suppliers.

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Total lessons: 19
Sale Price: $50

Learn how to build a meaningful and recognizable brand.

I will show you the exact tools and resources I’ve used (and continue to use) to build, launch and maintain my profitable e-commerce underwear brand.

You’ll also learn how to start quickly building out your own brand by designing your logo, creating your online store and mastering product photography.

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“I always dreamed of building a successful business that would become a household name for people all around the world”

Hi, I’m Kyhry Taylor, founder and CEO of Adonis by Kyhry, an e-commerce brand that is known all over the world for our sexy and comfortable men's underwear. 

I always imagined being a successful entrepreneur. I never wanted to spend my entire life working for someone else and I knew that if I did, I would always be limiting myself and not living up to my full potential.

More than that? I wanted to build a business that could change lives.

With Adonis by Kyhry, this is exactly what we do. Our products change the way men feel about themselves. They boost their self-esteem, increase their confidence, and empower them to feel sexy. 

Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is my life now: running my own business, making an impact on our customer’s lives, and having the kind of control over my schedule, time and earning potential that I always knew I wanted to have. 

I started the Adonis by Kyhry brand in 2015 and, over the years, I’ve grown it into a 6-figure business – but it wasn’t always smooth sailing. 

Long story short? I know what it takes to be successful at running a profitable e-commerce business. 

And now I want to teach you how to do the same.

Let me tell you about my $35k mistake

Something I learned the hard way early on in my e-commerce business journey is the need to take imperfect action and start even before you think you’re ready.

Case in point: I once spent almost $35K producing a product collection that just didn't sell.

The collection didn’t resonate with the customers and this showed in the sales figures. I remember feeling so frustrated because not only had I invested money, but I had spent a lot of time and energy too.

In business, like in life, it’s not about how many times you fall down – it’s about how many times you get back up again.

I learned from my mistake and I realized what had really caused it: I thought it was necessary – and better – to get all my ducks in a row with that particular collection before I started selling.

I didn’t test new designs with customers first in order to see if the demand was there. I didn’t realize it was better to release fewer quantities first to learn how they sell.

Now? This is one of the first things we do with any new collection.

My point is this, friend: You can’t wait around for the “perfect” moment to launch your e-commerce business. There will always be another thing you think you need to do, another duck you think you need to get in a row, before you put it out into the world.

Imperfect action is always better than no action at all

Which is exactly why with Adonis University courses, I’m not bogging you down with a million and one tasks to do before you can launch your business. We focus on the necessary steps you need to take. No fluff, no BS – so you can build and launch your e-commerce business fast and start taking that all important imperfect action.

Who is Adonis University really for?

Any of our courses are for you if:

• You’re someone who wants to start your own e-commerce business and is looking for a roadmap to do it quickly

• You’re dreaming about being an entrepreneur and building a successful brand

• You already have a product idea in mind and need direction on how to bring your business idea to reality

• You’re dedicated, motivated and willing to take action (even if it’s imperfect) and do what’s necessary to see results and bring your vision to life

• You’re a go-getter who wants to level-up your income and skills so you can achieve financial security, have the kind of lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of, and be in control of your own destiny

The truth is that if I can do this? So can you

If the thing holding you back from finally starting your e-commerce business is simply that you don’t know where to begin – I want you to know that there is a solution.

I created Adonis University for people just like you: the ones who are ambitious, optimistic and determined to make something more of themselves. 

The ones who, deep down, believe that they have what it takes to build a profitable e-commerce business but who are lacking the confidence that comes with having a roadmap or plan of action to make your business dream a reality.

My mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to become a successful e-commerce entrepreneur because honestly? I wish I had this when I was starting out.

A mentor, a guide, a partner for the journey.

Someone who has been down this road before, who knows where the potholes are, who knows the mistakes to avoid, and who understands the fear that lies behind the dream.

The worry that “someone like you” won’t be able to do this.

Well, guess what? I am someone like you.

And I did it. So there is no reason you can’t too.

Courses for every budget

Total lessons: 69
Price: $1,700

Learn how to build and launch your profitable e-commerce business from the ground up using my A.D.O.N.I.S method.

You'll get exclusive resources, templates and 1:1 weekly calls with Kyhry to get tailored advice and tips for bringing your e-commerce brand to life — Get the business mentor you always wanted.

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Total lessons: 10
Sale Price: $50
Original Price: $150

Learn the exact methods I used to find manufacturers for Adonis Underwear.

You’ll get tips and strategies for finding reliable, reputable suppliers and negotiating with them so that you get the best deal on price and quantity.

Plus, you'll get access to our exclusive email templates so you get the best deals possible when contacting suppliers.

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Total lessons: 19
Sale Price: $50
Original Price: $150

Learn how to build a meaningful and recognizable brand.

I will show you the exact tools and resources I’ve used (and continue to use) to build, launch and maintain my profitable e-commerce underwear brand.

You’ll also learn how to start quickly building out your own brand by designing your logo, creating your online store and mastering product photography.

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